Hey did anyone notice that a couple of guys got married in South America, that did help the year finish on a good note. As a group we made some progress in 2009, and although i know there were still some set backs as far as legalizing marriage here in the states, things overall have gotten better.
For me this has been a good year too, I have met some new friends and really in some ways accepted being gay more than I ever have before. In this upcoming next year i would like to make further personal progress maybe even starting over in a new life in a new city. I am encouraged by the actions of so many of you and the friendship of so many more.
We have a beautiful little community here of people young and old from basically around the world which offers support and friendship. It a place that we can garner support and strength. It a place i have felt comfortable in last year in some ways more than I have ever been comfortable in the real world. In short you have all shown me what's missing from life.
I don't really make resolutions but i do make plans and while I am writing this from Florida as I am still on Vacation, this time next year I hope to being writing this from a new home in Florida where I will begin that life.
I will leave here the day after tomorrow and begin in earnest to seek out employment, then find a new home to buy, close down my practise and sell my home and if i can do tat in this economy then I will Begin to change my social life also. Well that is the broad outline of the plan.
Ok a little updating on my life, two weeks ago almost i drove to Florida. I had a nice lunch with Dan, Go Left At The Fork and Dodger, A Nexus. In fact if we eat i think three more times together our next meal is free according to the little card the restaurant gave us. Then got stuck in a snow storm in Virginia, 7 hours to go a 100 miles, thank god the Canadians who just formed a lane of traffic south and plowed through the snow and scared southerners :)
Oh remember that case I told you guys about where the old lady who lived with the Dad was trying to take all the estate money for herself, well I'm having some success in resolving that case before the trial date. Court does scare the guilty.
In closing today, I need to go to the beach, I am going to be watching fireworks tonight and thinking of all my friends in blog land. I do hope this upcoming year brings you all happiness, growth and treasures. There will be of course some bad days but hey we need rain and then sunshine can come into our lives again. and if you have a chance this year climb mountains cause the view from the top is excellent
Thanks for reading, I hope everyone is doing great, take care and be safe
Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago
Happy New Year! I hope 2010 brings you further down the road you're traveling. It's been a while since we've chatted.
ReplyDeletecheers bob and happy new year to you
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year. I hope you've enjoyed the past year, and I hope you will have an excellent year in 2010.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year Bob. Sounds like you are enjoying the nice weather in Florida.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to you too mate. I wish you all the very best of luck.
ReplyDeleteCourage and Honour!